IPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Plus: 1284x2778 IPhone Xs Max, iPhone 11 Pro Max: 1242x2688 IPhone X, iPhone Xs, iPhone 11 Pro: 1125x2436 IPhone 6 plus, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 8 plus: 1242x2208 IPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 8: 750x1334 IPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone SE: 640x1136 IPhone: iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS: 320x480 Talk:4chan/Archive 6#Lot's of additions needed.MacBook Pro 13.3" Retina, MacBook Air 13" Retina, MacBook Air 13.3"(2020, M1): 2560x1600 Dual monitor: Talk:4chan/Archive 6#deviantART 2006 raid? Talk:4chan/Archive 6#Hal Turner "controversy"? Talk:4chan/Archive 5#Stop updating the front page image every other minute Stop updating the front page image every other minute Talk:4chan/Archive 5#I contest some lines and want to see references for those statements I contest some lines and want to see references for those statements Talk:4chan/Archive 5#Redirect from Pedobear Talk:4chan/Archive 5#/b/tards in other online areas Talk:4chan/Archive 4#Death of /b/ due to fame Talk:4chan/Archive 4#Downtime should be added to the article Talk:4chan/Archive 4#The Terror Threat Incident Talk:4chan/Archive 4#Side note about /b/ block Talk:4chan/Archive 4#7chan is relevent to 4chan's interests Talk:4chan/Archive 4#The meme articles on Wikiworld Talk:4chan/Archive 3#References and Sources Talk:4chan/Archive 3#Conflicts With Other Boards? Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Copyvio from another wiki Talk:4chan/Archive 2#"/b/ is the internet's asshole" Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Copypasta isn't recent Talk:4chan/Archive 2#STOP REMOVING CONTENT Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Elaborate on boards? Talk:4chan/Archive 2#ATTENTION NEWGROUNDERS Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Japanese translation of 4chan link warning necessary? Japanese translation of 4chan link warning necessary? Talk:4chan/Archive 2#New section: "Notable Acheivements"? Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Memes back into the article Talk:4chan/Archive 2#copyright violations Talk:4chan/Archive 2#I WAS BORN INTO A WORLD. Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Things I'd like to know about Talk:4chan/Archive 2#/b/ Forced Anonymous Talk:4chan/Archive 2#January 10th situation Talk:4chan/Archive 2#Robert Bopkins != moot Talk:4chan/Archive 1#Cleanup request questions/discussion Talk:4chan/Archive 1#Looks like it's dead again Talk:4chan/Archive 1#Memes/Popular 4chan culture This article was last edited by Legobot ( talk | contribs) 50 days ago. It matches the following masks: Talk:4chan/Archive, Talk:4chan. Report generated based on a request from Talk:4chan.