
Throughout it all, the intrepid marines who guarded the transport case heroically lashed themselves to the ship to prevent from being swept overboard. He noted even the ship’s cook speculated how close she would come to capsizing on the next roll. Laundry reported that the ship rolled 39 degrees – a mere 10 degrees away from being lost at one point. The cross-waves sporadically colliding with the ship’s sides were the biggest threat to Olympia capsizing and the potential loss of the Unknown’s remains. These combined tropical storms subjected Cruiser Olympia, the crew, and the Unknown Soldier’s remains to ride 20 to 30-foot waves for 10 days, nearly two-thirds of the Atlantic crossing. Both had crossed Florida within a week and continued to track (albeit it weakened) into the North Atlantic Ocean in Olympia’s direction. While sailing westbound, Olympia encountered the remnants of “Hurricane #5” and “Hurricane #6,” also known as the ‘Tampa Bay Hurricane’ of 1921. And the brave men who risked their lives to protect the soldier they, nor the nation, would never know. But what some people may not know is the story behind the selection of the Unknown Soldier and the perilous journey aboard Cruiser Olympia as she made her way across the Atlantic Ocean. 2021 marks the Centennial Anniversary of the American Unknown Soldier from World War One’s transportation home from France to the Washington Navy Yard. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier remains a timeless place for Americans today to reflect on the personal costs of duty and sacrifice in preserving freedom in the world. There were a recorded 116,708 American deaths, with 3,350 of them missing or unidentified). Congress authorized the establishment of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1921 as a memorial for the thousands of American families whose loved ones were lost and never identified as a consequence of World War One (While the United States’ involvement was brief, the cost was severe. One lone soldier’s remains were selected to symbolize the nation’s indebtedness for all United States service members who died in combat.